I remember like it was yesterday. This one book changed my whole outlook to life. I was 22 years old, out chilling at my cousin’s house when I stumbled upon on it on his bedroom shelve.
I remember my cousin telling me he got the as a gift from someone in Australia. At the time it was not a bestseller, nor was it available in any local bookstore. You had to order it on Amazon only.
Just reading a few pages on that totally blew me away. It completely opened my perception on the wealthy, business and success.
The book’s name is ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.
That book encouraged me to believe in myself and reach out to achieve my dreams. It also opened a whole library of other books as well such as:
Think and Grow Rich
As a Man Thinketh
Unleash the Power Within
The Secret
How To Win Friends & Influence People
What are some books that changed the way you think?

Ali Khan