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When the day begins, my rose awakens.
She sits in her environment displaying her beauty.
Some may ask why should I write about this flower.

My response would be the following…

  • Her face is breath taking, shining out giving life to all its surroundings.
  • Her eyes, beautiful angelic green pears only found deep beneath the ocean.
  • Her skin, smooth and warm on touch, like the finest silk from far eastern land.
  • Her personality, a pleasure to encounter, always leaving one to wonder how can I do what she does so easily.
  • Her body, defined to a perfect shape where the best would sculptors sit and ponder, finding it difficult to create one like hers.
  • Her smile, so incredibly radiant, casting a spell, making me forget all my worries at that moment in time.
  • Her character, always curious about new things to learn, always intriguing for me to observe.
  • Her hips, that moves so gracefully, in tune with the sounds of life.
  • Her unique mind, deep and inquisitive, never resting till it finds what it is looking for.
  • Her kind and considerate heart, doesn’t stop giving when others couldn’t give any more.
  • Her luscious lips, so enticing for me to kiss, capable to quench any insatiable thirst in a hot dessert land.
  • And her charm, that flows out of her so naturally, sending me the message that everything is going to be fine, even if the world has been destroyed around me.

That is why I will always protect my Brazilian Rose.
May you live long & prosper…

Ali Khan