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The Three ‘M’ Triangle

The Three ‘M’ Components Before spending any money on promotion you have to review the following three components in sequential. These are: • Message • Market • Media Very often companies will focus their time, money and effort on the ‘Media’ component but forget the...

Marketing Weapons

If your a business owner or considering to become one. Than it’s important for you to read this article. Please make the effort to carve out some time immediately. Find a quite place to read this page in its entirety. Deciding to skip any part of this could cost you a...

Emotional Reasoning

Why People Buy! It has long been believed people buy because of ‘need’. This is not the case. People buy because of ‘want’. I’m sure you have come across this yourself while purchasing items. For instance everyone will come up with a logical reason why they got that...

Greatest Business In The World!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people say 1985 was a pivotal year for them. Some say it was a good, others would say it was a terrible year for them. This is a story about two entrepreneurs who owned completely different businesses at that time. These two...

The Trump Putin Affair

Last week the CIA confirmed Russia tried to affect the outcome to the US elections. They hacked into American servers and took measures to make certain measures to make sure Donald Trump would win the Presidency. At first this sounds a little crazy. I got to admit...